A six-seater motorcycle? Meet the Böhmerland!

A six-seater motorcycle? Meet the Böhmerland!
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Čechie-Böhmerland will officially become a centenarian next year! These longest ever factory-produced motorcycles were built between 1924 and 1939! What was motorcycling like before World War II?

The Czechoslovak brand wanted to create a competitive alternative to cars and motorcycles with a basket. The size of the motorcycle meant that a total of six people could be accommodated on board! Four on the machine and two sitting in the basket!

This motorcycle is a very interesting curiosity, which should interest all lovers of motorcycles! Hard to imagine a family motorcycle ride, right?

(Von Original uploader was Piero at nl.wikipedia – Transferred from nl.wikipedia, Gemeinfrei, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8262646)

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