First motorcycle: how to get around it?

First motorcycle: how to get around it?
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Buying your first motorcycle is an unforgettable moment in the life of every single motorcycle fan. It is the machine that will decide whether the interest will turn into passion or whether the motorcyclist will hang up his helmet forever. Let’s assume that you already have your dream unicycle, what next?

What to pay attention to?

The first motorcycle allows to verify expectations and is a kind of starting point for further motorcycle adventure. That is why it is so important to choose your first motorcycle well. The type of motorcycle, in particular its parameters and design features, is closely related to its intended use. An asset useful on the road may turn out to be a big disadvantage when moving on city streets.

A rookie just starting his adventure should opt for a used naked motorcycle with engine capacity not exceeding 500 ccm – Suzuki, Kawasaki or Honda motorcycles are particularly suitable. Naked” type motorcycles are less vulnerable to the consequences of overturns of a novice motorcyclist – only indicators and mirrors will be at risk

At this stage it’s also worth considering the kerb weight of the motorcycle. After all, you’re supposed to feel safe and comfortable on a motorcycle. Heavier vehicles can cause trouble for inexperienced drivers

How to take care of your motorcycle?

Whether you choose a Kawasaki or a Komarek, the principles remain the same. Every motorcycle owner should conscientiously take care of the motorcycle’s technical condition – a factor which directly affects your safety on the road

At the beginning, it is worth equipping the motorcycle with practical accessories, such as crash pads (preventing damage to the engine) or a windscreen, which will prove extremely useful outside city walls.

When it comes to more challenging issues, it’s best to start with a trusted mechanic. The specialist will be happy to tell you a few things that will help you take good care of your vehicle in the future

Once you are confident and knowledgeable, you can start practicing. Every home mechanic should know how to lubricate or tighten the chain, change the oil or change the brake fluid. In addition to these simpler tasks, you should also learn to perform more complex maintenance repairs – shock absorbers (assembly, disassembly, replacement of seals and oil, adjustment) or brakes (replacement of brake pads, bleeding, replacement of cables

It is true that depending on the make or type of motorcycle, the issues and technological solutions may differ significantly. That’s why it’s important to be knowledgeable or ask more experienced people for advice before attempting any repairs on your unicycle

Good habits

Regular care and work on the condition of your motorcycle is the key to success. Without this, we may not be able to extend the life of the vehicle. It can also come with huge repair costs

Regular showers

A dirty motorcycle is not a very beautiful motorcycle. There are specimens on which dust and dust make it difficult to discern the proper color of the vehicle. Although a pressure washer will be advisable for cars – this solution will not work for motorcycles. Water under pressure can get into the bearings, exhaust pipe, or air filter. We recommend hand washing only.

Lubricated chain

A motorcycle chain requires both cleaning and lubrication. It is also a component that, if inadequately protected, quickly corrodes. This is why it is so important to take care of this component

Proper pressure

This is another habit that you need to develop. If you use your vehicle intensively, you should check the pressure as often as possible. On the other hand, if you take your bike out of the garage less often – make sure you have the right pressure every time you get on your motorcycle. Tire pressure is a very important element that significantly affects the comfort and handling of your motorcycle


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