What is the BOBLBEE GTX? It’s a backpack and… a protector!

What is the BOBLBEE GTX? It’s a backpack and… a protector!
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If you’re worried about back injury in a fall, plus you’re looking for a packable motorcycle backpack – the BOBLBEE GTX is the solution for you. The equipment has a very high level of impact reduction, and at the same time allows you to carry a lot of extra stuff.

The BOBLBEE GTX meets all safety standards and reduces spinal injuries by 93 percent. It also secures the items you carry in it, so you can transport your laptop or camera effectively.

The entire design is also designed to support the lumbar region and reduce lower back and cervical pain. When it comes to capacity, the BOBLBEE GTX comes in a 20 and 25 liter version.

Prices range from PLN 1100 to 1400 depending on the model. However, it is not worth saving on safety!

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(Photo: pixabay.com)

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