Motorcycle boots for sport riding – what to look for?

Motorcycle boots for sport riding – what to look for?
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Riding a unicycle on the track requires full and effective protection. The obligatory equipment of a motorcyclist is an integral helmet, a durable overalls, as well as comfortable and leg-protecting boots. What are the characteristics of shoes for the race track and offroad? How do sport shoes differ from those for touring or city riding?

Motorcycle sport shoes are designed for intensive, sporty riding on a motorcycle. They are an extremely safe type of footwear. They fully protect legs and feet from injuries, have comfortable padding, stiffeners in crucial places and are made of materials resistant to impact or abrasion.

Touring vs. performance motorcycle boots – what should you know?

The main task of any motorcycle boot is to protect the leg from mechanical injury caused by riding a motorcycle. When shifting gears or braking, the lower limb is exposed to a number of injuries – from burns to sprains to fractures.

However, recreational riding shoes are built differently than those designed for competitive motorcycling. First and foremost, road-touring shoes tend to be lower than sport versions. Additionally, they don’t have to be made of durable plastics; they can be made of fabric, for example. Of course, it doesn’t change the fact that in critical places, such as toes, heels or ankle, professional motorcycle shoes (regardless of their purpose) should have high quality protectors.

What is the difference between offroad and track shoes?

Track motorcycle boots are characterized by a full and tall shell. Both the foot part and the upper parts of the leg are enclosed – practically up to the knee. The stiffened front panel fully protects your shins, while the lower part of the boot, fitted to your foot, protects your ankle, tendons and heels from possible injury.

The purpose of such footwear is to fully protect the leg during extreme riding – not only during a fall! A motorcyclist on the track must be protected from abrasions during the laying down maneuver, gear changing or possible contact of the leg with hot elements of the motorcycle. For track shoes, it is also important that they are not too heavy and allow free leg movement. They are usually made of carbon composite or other reinforced plastics with a breathable insole.

Off-road shoes, on the other hand, must be highly resistant to external factors. During off-road starts, the competitors often come into contact with rain, water, stones falling from the road or soil. Therefore, it is advisable that they are made of strong leather and abrasion-resistant inner layer, which allows free movements and full control over the motorcycle. Cross boots, like track shoes or the like, should be tall to protect the entire leg and not just the lower parts.

Elements which link off-road and track shoes are certainly non-slip soles (thanks to which the leg will remain stable on the motorcycle) and the way of fastening with Velcro and zippers (so that the shoelace is not accidentally pulled in by the motorcycle’s drive mechanism).

What should I consider when choosing the right sport motorcycle boots?

When choosing motorcycle boots for sport riding (both on and offroad), you should definitely go for those made of leather or plastic (e.g. carbon composite). Remember to choose only high models, with full shin, ankle and toe protection. Check how the lining is made and whether the shoes have a layer and airy parts, thanks to which the leg can breathe.

Follow the rule that a sports shoe must provide you with safety first and comfort second. The appearance of the shoe is a secondary matter in this case, although many products can combine these three features – protection, comfort of use and interesting design. Among the brands that have this type of elements we can certainly distinguish Seca boots and RST boots. Their construction is flexible, breathable, practical (easy to put on and take off) and most of all – very durable.

When embarking on a high-performance motorcycle ride, invest in quality footwear. Although sometimes this piece of motorcyclist’s equipment is forgotten, in a crisis situation it will help you avoid an injury that can prematurely end the season.

Main photo: Chikilino/

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