Hybrids: Kawasaki has patented the name E-BOOST. Is this the beginning of a new era?

Hybrids: Kawasaki has patented the name E-BOOST. Is this the beginning of a new era?
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This can only mean one thing – Japanese engineers will soon present a design of a unicycle equipped with a hybrid engine. This is the next step of the company in the fight for survival in the new reality.

While most of the competition is romancing the idea of electric motorcycles, Kawasaki has decided to go against the flow and take a different strategy. The popular racing motorcycle manufacturer has had a successful trial with the launch of its first prototype hybrid unicycle.

We already know that the drivetrain will be determined by GPS location. Thanks to them, the computer will detect whether we are moving in the city or on the highway and, based on the collected data, will fire the appropriate mode. Automatic switching between internal combustion, electric and hybrid drives? Why not!

(Photo: Pixabay)

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