What does SEO stand for?

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What does SEO stand for?
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The word SEO is an acronym derived from three English words Search Engine Optimization and describes a multi-stage activity that consists in improving the position of a selected website in the Google search engine. This process is complicated and considered very difficult, which is why it is usually dealt with only by specialized interactive SEO agencies that perfectly know the specifics of this market and requirements of Google’s secret algorithm. All activities are equally important, so their correct execution has a huge impact on the effectiveness.

Positioning and optimization

Positioning includes a number of different activities, usually divided into three equally important stages. Each of them should be carried out by a team of qualified programmers, positioners, graphic designers and copywriters, who together develop complete plans and divide the activities into stages. Correctly prepared campaign strategy has a decisive influence on the effects and effectiveness.

SEO audit. This is the first stage of cooperation with an interactive agency that ensures effective positioning. It includes very precise and detailed check of the whole website in terms of its current state. The evaluation includes its operation, source code, loading speed, presence in search results or saturation with key phrases and their compatibility with the content of the website.

On-site and off-site activities. These are two proper stages of online store positioning, which are aimed at adjusting it to the requirements of Google algorithm. The range of activities is extremely wide and virtually unlimited, and varies depending on the current state of the site and its purpose. These include saturating the existing content with key phrases, speeding it up, taking care of the UX and UI, as well as acquiring a sufficient number of backlinks.

What does the effectiveness of positioning depend on?

Do you want to get the best SEO results? Be sure to set achievable goals with an interactive agency. Many entrepreneurs wrongly assume that the ultimate goal of most of the agency’s actions is to get the first position in the search engine, while in many cases it is completely impossible or unprofitable.

It is also worth choosing an appropriate and trustworthy agency that will be able to carry out all SEO activities according to the art, without using prohibited means that may ultimately worsen the position of our site or remove it from the listings. It is a good idea (despite slightly higher price) to choose an agency with an established position on the market, which has been offering positioning for many years.

Photo: geralt/pixabay.com

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