Pack for a motorcycle trip!

Pack for a motorcycle trip!
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Summer is coming – the time of year unquestionably associated with vacations. The motorcycle has been dusted off and is waiting for its first summer journey. It doesn’t matter whether it will be a weekend camping trip or a European tour – each trip should be carefully prepared

Traveling by motorcycle differs from traveling by other means of transport in that the “load capacity” of a two-wheeler is much smaller. The surface of a motorcycle is not made of rubber, so the number of luggage items that can be mounted limits the freedom of packing

Plan, plan and plan again

Planning may take away from the spontaneity of motorcycle outings, but as long as you’re not the protagonist of a low-budget American movie, you should analyze every aspect of your trip

Before you start packing, it is a good idea to prepare a checklist with all the things to pack and tasks to perform. Write down the checklist a few days before you leave so that you have time to complete everything. Even the best list won’t work if it’s made too late and you find you have to do laundry the evening before your trip


Being prepared and sticking to a checklist will allow you to pack only the most necessary items. A motorcycle trip is not a fashion show or a competition for the largest luggage – it is worth minimizing the size of your equipment. Unless the purpose of the trip is to avoid all cities and towns, most of the necessary things can be bought in almost any store

Even fewer clothes are not a problem – during a longer stop you can wash clothes by hand or use a laundry, and as a last resort buy the necessary underwear or T-shirt. Instead of full-size packages of cosmetics, you can choose miniature versions or buy small bottles into which you pour the product

Even though it’s a holiday trip, you should feel comfortable in your own skin. There will be room in your luggage for a razor. When deciding on a razor to accompany you on motorcycle trips, choose a small cordless model with a durable battery or rechargeable battery. This way, an extra charger won’t clutter up your luggage

Pack with care

When packing your luggage, don’t let your imagination run wild – take only the most necessary items. The golden rule is: less stuff, more money. Everything you need can be bought

Particularly valuable items should be placed in a trunk or, if there is no trunk, in a waterproof container. The most important things, such as gloves, documents, a spare map, phone and water, should be placed on top of your luggage so that you do not have to dig through all your gear if necessary. Flipping the entire roll bag over during a roadside inspection can be problematic.

Even if your trip is an agritourism/hotel trip you should take along some gray tape, a pocketknife, matches, and conveyor belts. The latter are especially important because having them will allow you to quickly fix your luggage attachment.


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